The greenhouse remote monitoring system mainly measures indoor carbon dioxide CO2, temperature, humidity, light, soil moisture, soil ph, and air pressure.
At outdoors you need to measure basic parameters such as wind speed, wind direction, and rainfall. These factors directly affect the growth of greenhouse plants.
Sensors are key components of the greenhouse remote monitoring system. Each sensor continuously measures a certain environmental factor at a specific location and reports these measurement results to the monitoring system
Greenhouse remote monitoring system provides timely measures for realizing the healthy growth of ecological crops and timely adjustment of cultivation and management parameters.
We offer IOT gateway and Remote monitoring and data logging on our IIOT CONNECT CLOUD for Green Houses
- IOT gateway devices to interface with any green house sensor on RS485, Modbus or TCP Modbus
- IOT gateway sends data wirelessly via 4G LTE, GPRS, WIFI, LoRaWAN, NB-IoT to IIOT CONNECT CLOUD
- IIOT CONNECT CLOUD Dashboard to View your data in real time, Data logging in cloud, Alerts over sms & email and Reports